Brunch: Breakfast Caserole with Sausage Recipe

Eating brunch on the weekends is easy.  I can sleep in and cook breakfast in my pajamas.  However eating breakfast on a busy weekday morning can be a challenge.  So I wanted to try a new breakfast on Sunday so I can have leftovers for the work week.  

I found this recipe on Paleo Leap and halved the recipe since there are only two of us at home.  I also substituted yam for sweet potatoes.  It's nice to have a hot breakfast instead of a cold one now and again.  That gave us Sunday brunch and leftovers for a few mornings.  

1lb.Italian sausagecasing removed
2sweet potatoesdiced
1bell pepperdiced
3garlic clovesminced
2green onionsthinly sliced
13cupalmondor coconut milk

  1. Preheat your oven to 375 F.
  2. Melt some cooking fat in a skillet placed over a medium-high heat. Add the sausages, and crumble while cooking.
  3. When the sausages are cooked, transfer them to a large bowl.
  4. Add the onion, garlic, and bell pepper to the same skillet, and cook for 4 to 5 minutes over a medium heat.
  5. Pour the vegetables into the bowl with the cooked sausages.
  6. Add the sweet potatoes to the skillet, season to taste, cover, and cook about 8 minutes.
  7. Mix the sweet potatoes into the bowl with the sausages and vegetables.
  8. Pour the sausage and sweet potato mixture in a baking dish.
  9. In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, almond milk, and season with salt and pepper to taste.
  10. Pour the egg mixture over the sausage mixture, and place in the oven.
  11. Bake for 20 minutes, and serve warm with green onions sprinkled on top.