Brown Bag Lunch: Chicken Fried Rice

After googling at co-worker's fried rice, I realized that I had everything in my own kitchen to make fried rice. I was able to try out my newly owned rice cooker (one I obtained through a barter - yes they can exist if you offer it - trade an appliance you aren't using for another appliance you will use). Back to my chicken fried rice recipe.

Chicken Fried Rice
soy chicken from Asian supermarket (diced)
2 cups cooked brown rice
1/2 cup cooked frozen vegetable mix or peas
1/4 cup diced red onion
soy sauce

Put tablespoon of oil in a wok and add onion.  Saute and then add vegetables.  Add rice and season with soy sauce.  Mix all together.  Your healthy chicken fried rice is ready for your brown bag lunch or dinner. Another weeknight dinner wonder!